
Chupe De Pescado Ecuatoriano

Chupe De Pescado Ecuatoriano is a popular Ecuadorian fish soup. It is made with white fish, vegetables, and spices, and is served with a side of rice. It has a delicious, flavorful broth and is a great dish for a cold winter's evening. Question: What type of fish is used in the soup? White fish is typically used in Chupe De Pescado Ecuatoriano.

Questions and Answers:

1. Yang bukan termasuk grafik pada Microsoft excel adalah?a. sumbub. columnc. bard. lineTOLONG DONG URGENT BANGET UEUE YANG JAWAB DAPET CHUPA CHUPS​


A. sumbu.

semoga membantu

2. kelemahan dan kekurangan novel cado cado?​


Kelebihan :

Kelebihan buku ini yakni sangat cocok bagi para calon dokter ataupun yang sedang menjalani ko-ass karena banyak pengalaman semasa ko-ass dan membuat kita menjadi memiliki tanggung jawab yang besar terhadap nyawa manusia. Dan terdapat berbagai amanat diantaranya “ Dibalik keseriusan mahasiswa kedokteran, ia pasti mempunyai pengalaman lucu. Pengalaman itulah yang akan sangat berharga untuk menjadi dokter yang lebih baik “. Selain itu buku ini juga sebagai hiburan bagi yang sedang merasa jenuh karena setiap membaca buku ini seseorang akan tertawa terbahak-bahak sehingga dapat menghilangkan stres.

Kekuarangan/kelemahan :

Kelemahan buku ini, buku ini terdapat istilah-istilah kedokteran yang tidak diketahui oleh orang-orang yang bukan di bidang kedokteran. Gambar pada buku ini kurang baik untuk dilihat karena akan menimbulkan kesan yang negatif tanpa membacanya terlebih dahulu. Selain gambarnya, ada juga bagian cerita yang tidak cocok dibaca oleh anak-anak. Kertas yang digunakan pun kurang bagus.

3. apa artinya  mengki inde cado-cado

marilah semua duduk bersama

4. singkatan dari sado adalah........

kalau gk salah kereta kudasemacam delman atau kereta kuda, dokar, atau andong mungkin?

5. ban sado terbuat dari besi. bagaimana cara memasang ban besi tersebut pada roda sado?

Cara pemasangan lingkar logam atau ban besi pada roda sado adalah sebelum lingkar logam dipasang dipanaskan terlebih dahulu sehingga memuai dan mudah terpasang, setelah dingin maka lingkar logam akan menyusut dan terpasanglah dengan kuat.

6. apa saja pengaplikasian SCADA di industri, dan contohnya

Penghasil, transmisi dan distribusi listrik: SCADA digunakan untuk mendeteksi besarnya arus dan tegangan, pemantauan operasional circuit breaker, dan untuk mematikan/menghidupkan the power grid;
• Penampungan dan distribusi air: SCADA digunakan untuk pemantauan dan pengaturan laju aliran air, tinggi reservoir, tekanan pipa dan berbagai macam faktor lainnya;
• Bangunan, fasilitas dan lingkungan: Manajer fasilitas menggunakan SCADA untuk mengontrol HVAC, unit-unit pendingin, penerangan, dan sistem keamanan.
• Produksi: Sistem SCADA mengatur inventori komponen-komponen, mengatur otomasi alat atau robot, memantau proses dan kontrol kualitas.
• Transportasi KA listrik: menggunakan SCADA bisa dilakukan pemantauan dan pengontrolan distribusi listrik, otomasi sinyal trafik KA, melacak dan menemukan lokasi KA, mengontrol palang KA dan lain sebagainya.
• Lampu lalu-lintas: SCADA memantau lampu lalu-lintas, mengontrol laju trafik, dan mendeteksi sinyals-sinyal yang salah.

7. sado singkatan dari...

Senior Officer pertahanan udarabesar bodoh

8. apa yang dimaksud dengan master station pada sistem scada?

SISTEM SCADA adalah sistem yang dapat memonitor dan mengontrol suatu peralatan atau system dari jarak jauh secara real time dan melakukan pengumpulan data dari peralatan yang diperlukan untuk selanjutnya diolah.

Master Station

Master Station terdiri dari :
1. Human Machine Interface
Human machine interface berfungsi sebagai perantara antara operator (dispatcher) dengan sistem Computer. Human machine interface memudahkan operator dalam memonitor sistem tenaga listrik yang ada. Peralatan human machine interface diantaranya adalah: keyboard, VDU, recorder, printer, logger.

2. Server
Server berfungsi untuk mengolah data yang diterima dari RTU yang dimonitor oleh Dispatcher di Control Center melalui Human Machine Interface, SCADA Energi Management Sistem, DispatcherTraining Simulation.

3. Front End
Setelah data dikirim Ke Control Centre melalui Media komunikasi, Data ini diterima dengan melalui Front End Computer dan selanjutnya didistribusikan ke fungsi pengolahan data dan ditampilkan ke Mimic Board yang ada diruang kendali operasi.

9. Apa arti "Coupe Du Monde"

Apa arti "Coupe Du Monde" adalah Piala dunia

semoga membantu ^_^arti Coupe Du Monde adalah piala dunia

#maaf kalau salah:)

10. siapa penemu sistem SCADA?

Dale Peterson adalah Founder dan CEO SCADAMichael Faraday (1791-1867)

Semoga membantu^^ Tlg beri terimakasih ya:)

11. chape deh gampang kan189+1=​




Makasih kak Poinnya




maaf kalau salah dan folow aku ya

12. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Supervisory dalam sistem SCADA? berikan contoh spesifik! *​

SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) adalah sistem yang mengacu pada kombinasi telemetri dan akuisisi data. Ini terdiri dari pengumpulan informasi, mentransfer kembali ke pusat kendali, melakukan analisis yang diperlukan dan kontrol, dan kemudian menampilkan data ini pada sejumlah operator display.


13. bapak prangko sadonya yaiku​


Rowland Hill


Lengkapnya, Sir Rowland Hill KCB, FRS

14. Bagaimana perkembangan puisi zaman Chusei?


B.indonesia:Perkembangan sastra sekarang sebenarnya baik, namun menurut saya sastra sekarang lebih modern dan banyak persimpangannya sehingga terkadang membuat kita kurang memahami. Namun disisi lain sastra sekarang lebih banyak isinya dibanding sastra dulu.


#semoga membantu

15. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan SCADA system?


Scada merupakan suatu sistem pengolahan database yang terintegrasi yang berfungsi mengawasi atau supervisi, pengendalian dan mendapatkan data secara akurat setiap waktu atau real time. Scada merupakan kepanjangan dari Supervisory, Control dan Data Acquisition.

16. Apa kegunaan kolom"Nama akun" pada table neraca slado?


Kolom Nama Akun/Keterangan berisi nama-nama akun yang ada dalam buku besar perusahaan tersebut dalam periode tertentu. Fungsinya sebagai penunjuk, penanda, dan sbg keterangan agar akuntan tidak salah dalam menginput jumlah serta sebagai penunjuk agar pembaca (investor, audit, pegawai pajak, masyarakat) dapat mengetahui dengan jelas akun2 mana yang dimaksud dengan jumlah sekian.

17. apa itu tukang sado??????????

tukang sado adlah seorang penendara delman kuda.tukang sado yaitu; seseorang pekendara kuda delman

18. Sinonim tukang sado nyaeta

klo gak salah.....

19. База Soado nya s ci mapon.​




Maaf,sy enggak tahu apa maksudnya


maksudnya apa ?

itu bahasa apa ????


maaf saya gak ngerti

20. Jelaskan Hubungan SCADA dengan HMI dan PLC!!

SCADA itu adalah integrated Software, Disitu ada HMI software, ada datalogger, ada alarm management, ada trending, dan juga ada fasilitas untuk connect ke level atas, seperti ERP.

Chupe De Pescado Ecuatoriano. There are any Chupe De Pescado Ecuatoriano in here.

The Substitute Bride And The Mysterious Tycoon

The Substitute Bride and the Mysterious Tycoon is a romantic comedy novel by Chinese author Tong Hua. It tells the story of a young woman, Lin Xian, who is forced to act as a substitute bride for her distant cousin. With the help of a wealthy and mysterious tycoon, Lin Xian discovers the truth about her family's secret past and learns to embrace her destiny. Q: What does the novel focus on? The novel focuses on the journey of Lin Xian as she discovers the truth about her family's secret past and learns to embrace her destiny.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. What will we say to congratulate the bride and the groom?


Happy marriage, hopefully your life will be a blessing


Selamat menikah, semoga nanti kehidupan kalian berkah

Congratulations for the wedding guys!

2. The guest give many gifts to the bride and groom ke kalimat pasif


The bride and the groom are gifted many gifts by the guests.


Many gifts are given by the guests to the bride and groom.


- subjek kalimat aktif (soal) adalah: The guests. Di kalimat passive ini akan menjadi objek pelaku (by the guests)

- objek kalimat aktif adalah: many gifts (plural). Ini akan menjadi subjek kalimat di kalimat passive.

- dalam kalimat passive, verb selalu harus verb-3

di sini verbnya adalah give. Ini kalimat simple present, jadi verb dalam bentuk verb-1. Maka dalam bentuk kalimat passive dia harus menjadi verb-3: given

- dalam kalimat pasive dibutuhkan auxilliary verb (verb pembantu) yang berbeda-beda tergantung subjek kalimat dan tense kalimat. Auxilliary verb ini diletakkan sebelum verb kalimat. (di sini sebelum kata given)

Di sini auxilliary verbnya adalah: are. Ini karena subjek kalimatnya plural (may gifts). Sebagaimana dalam present tense, jika subjeknya I maka akan dipakai am. Jika you/we/they dan benda plural maka dipakai are dan jika subjek kalimatnya He/she/it atau benda singular/tunggal maka dipakai is.

Contoh kalimat passive dengan subjek yang berbeda-beda, dalam simple present tense:

I am called by my father (saya dipanggil oleh ayah saya)

You are called by my father (kamu dipanggil oleh ayah saya)

She is called by my father (dia dipanggil oleh ayah saya)

Di contoh di atas, am, are dan is adalah auxilliary verb yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk kalimat passive.

called adalah verb-3 dari "call"

Semoga bermanfaat

3. adit:look at the bride and bridegroom.what is your hope for them?​

adit:look at the bride and bridegroom.what is your hope for them?

Terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia :

adit:lihatlah pengantin.apa harapanmu untuk mereka?



4. Apa jawaban dari candi sukuh is a....(10)and mysterious template since it has the differences in mood and.....

Untuk menjawab soal berbentuk Teks rumpang, kita harus tau tentang konteksnya dahulu. Kemudian tenses yang digunakan dalam teks, dan part of speech yang dibutuhkan. Hal-hal tersebut akan mempermudah kita dalam mengisi sebuah soal berupa teks rumpang.


Candi Sukuh (16) 

Candi Sukuh is a primitive and mysterious template since it has the differences in mood and architecture compare with the templates elsewhere in Java. It dates from the 15th or 16th century and has a strange inca look. Built on the slope of Mount Lawu about 910 metres above the sea level.

To get there, take public transporation leaving Surakarta (36 kms away) or Karanganyar for Tawangmangu and stopover at Karangpandan.  From Karangpandan, catch a minibus to Candi Sukuh.

On market days, the minibus stops right beside the temple but on the other days, it needs a little walk to the site. Going up further from the Candi Sukuh sites about 1.500 metress above sea level, you can also visit Candi Cetho (built in 15thcentury). Architecturally, it is similiar with the Candi Sukuh.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Teks Rumpang

Kata Kunci: Candi Sukuh

5. We cannot start the weeeing ceremony, the bride. (Not / arrive) yet.

Doesn't arrive tu jawabannya the bride does not arrive yet

6. Terjemahkan ini*what is the purpose of the bride circumcision parade


apa tujuan dari parade sunat pengantin?


apa tujuan dari parade sunat pengantin?

7. here comes the bride artinya

Pengantin wanita datang / ini dia pengantin wanitanyaini dia pengantin wanitanya

8. Where do you find the hand bouquet (flower) for the bride?


you can find the hand boquet at flowris

9. why was the building so mysteriousarti

Mengapa bangunan itu begitu misteriusMata Pelajaran: Bahasa InggrisTingkat Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Why was the Building so mysterious-->
Mengapa Bangunan itu/tersebut Sangat/begitu misterius
Semoga membantu

10. The mean mass of 11 player in a football team is 65.2kg the mean mass of the team plus a substitute is 65.4kg what is the mads of the substitute


the mass of a subtitute is 67,6 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

mean mass              = 65,4

(65,2 x 11) + x  / 12    = 65,4

717,2 + x                   = 784,8

x                                = 784,8 - 717,2

x                                = 67,6 kg

11. tema novel The mysterious howling​


dari the mysterious howling itu tema novel nya adalah tema yg men

12. Apa jawaban dari candi sukuh is a....(10)and mysterious template since it has the differences in mood and.....

Untuk menjawab soal berbentuk Teks rumpang, kita harus tau tentang konteksnya dahulu. Kemudian tenses yang digunakan dalam teks, dan part of speech yang dibutuhkan. Hal-hal tersebut akan mempermudah kita dalam mengisi sebuah soal berupa teks rumpang.


Candi Sukuh

Candi Sukuh is a primitive and mysterious template since it has the differences in mood and architecture compare with the templates elsewhere in Java. It dates from the 15th or 16th century and has a strange inca look. Built on the slope of Mount Lawu about 910 metres above the sea level.

To get there, take public transporation leaving Surakarta (36 kms away) or Karanganyar for Tawangmangu and stopover at Karangpandan.  From Karangpandan, catch a minibus to Candi Sukuh.

On market days, the minibus stops right beside the temple but on the other days, it needs a little walk to the site. Going up further from the Candi Sukuh sites about 1.500 metress above sea level, you can also visit Candi Cetho (built in 15thcentury). Architecturally, it is similiar with the Candi Sukuh.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Teks Rumpang

Kata Kunci: Candi Sukuh

13. change to passive voice he allowed the guest to shake hands with the bride and bridegroom

the guest was allowed to shake hands with the bride and groom by him

14. resensi novel always the bride​


Resensi Novel Always the Bride : Pengantin Baru

Penulis : Jessica FoxPenerjemah : Alphonsus W.P.T. NugrohoEditor : Yuki Anggia PutriDesain sampul : Yudi Nur Riyadi dan AdlinaPenerbit : EsensiCetakan pertama, 2016Tebal buku : 248 halaman


Tidak semua hal dapat berjalan sesuai keinginan kita. Namun, Zoe Forster selalu berusaha untuk memiliki hidup sempurna. Jadi, ketika seorang cenayang pada pesta lajangnya meramalkan bahwa ia akan menikah dua kali, namun ia tidak menanggapi hal tersebut. Semua orang tahu bahwa Zoe dan Steve ditakdirkan bersama selamanya.

Pernikahan fantastis semacam apapun harus menghadapi lika-liku dikemudia hari dan dalam setahun hal-hal tidak terduga akan terjadi. Hadir juga seorang bintang film superseksi bernama Luke Scottman dalam kehidupan Zoe. Zoe dan Steve juga menemukan masa lalu masing-masing yang tidak seindah dugaan mereka. Tampaknya ramalan sang cenayang akan menjadi kenyataan.


Kata Novel berasal dari bahasa Italia yaitu novella yang artinya "baru", "berita", atau "cerita pendek mengenai sesuatu yang baru.

Novel adalah karangan prosa panjang yang mengandung rangkaian cerita kehidupan seseorang dengan orang yang berada di sekelilingnya dan menonjolkan watak dan sifat setiap pelaku. Novel terdiri dari bab dan sub bab tertentu sesuai dengan kisah ceritanya. Penulis novel disebut dengan novelis.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang contoh resensi novel :

Detil Jawaban

Kelas : VII (SMP)

Mapel : Bahasa Indonesia

Bab : Resensi Buku

Kode : 7.1.6

Kata Kunci : Resensi Novel Always the Bride

15. 4. Who are going to be intercepted by the family of the bride ? O the bride's entourage O the fighter the bride family O the groom's entourage Help please


Siapa yang akan dicegat oleh keluarga

pengantin wanita?

a. dari rombongan pengantin wanita

b. ahai pejuang

c. keluarga pengantin wanita

d. pada rombongan pengantin pria

16. the Bride is the Second of July the same meaning of the underlined word is​


yang di underlined yg mana ya?

17. whats is the problem from the story "Snow Bride"

Carilah kata-kata yang terdengar janggal dan aneh... :)Mandiri lebih baik.
Okay ? @Liwed

18. Apa jawaban dari candi sukuh is a....(10)and mysterious template since it has the differences in mood and.....

Untuk menjawab soal berbentuk Teks rumpang, kita harus tau tentang konteksnya dahulu. Kemudian tenses yang digunakan dalam teks, dan part of speech yang dibutuhkan. Hal-hal tersebut akan mempermudah kita dalam mengisi sebuah soal berupa teks rumpang.


Candi Sukuh    

Candi Sukuh is a primitive and mysterious template since it has the differences in mood and architecture compare with the templates elsewhere in Java. It dates from the 15th or 16th century and has a strange inca look. Built on the slope of Mount Lawu about 910 metres above the sea level.

To get there, take public transporation leaving Surakarta (36 kms away) or Karanganyar for Tawangmangu and stopover at Karangpandan.  From Karangpandan, catch a minibus to Candi Sukuh.

On market days, the minibus stops right beside the temple but on the other days, it needs a little walk to the site. Going up further from the Candi Sukuh sites about 1.500 metress above sea level, you can also visit Candi Cetho (built in 15thcentury). Architecturally, it is similiar with the Candi Sukuh.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMA

Mapel: B Inggris

Kategori: Teks Rumpang

Kata Kunci: Candi Sukuh

19. arti bride of the sun

Bride of the sun artinya mempelai matahari
Semoga dapat membantumuPengantin Matahari

Merupakan sebuah judul drama Korea.

20. change to passive voice he allowed the guest to shake hands with the bride and bridegroom

Past Tense: S + V2 + O

Active: he allowed the guest to shake hands with the bride and bridegroom.

S + was/were + V3 + by (agent)

Passive: the guest was allowed [by him] to shake hands with the bride and bridegroom


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Passive Voice

the guest was allowed to shake hands with the bride and bridegroom by him

The Substitute Bride And The Mysterious Tycoon. There are any The Substitute Bride And The Mysterious Tycoon in here.

91 Ounces To Cups

91 Ounces is equal to 11.375 Cups. A "cup" is a unit of volume in the US Customary and Imperial Systems of measurement, equal to 8 fluid ounces. Therefore, 91 Ounces is equal to 11.375 Cups, since 8 Ounces make up one Cup. To help put this into perspective, here are some relevant examples: • A standard mug typically holds 12 ounces, or 1.5 Cups. • A can of soda usually contains 12 ounces, or 1.5 Cups. • A pint glass contains 16 ounces, or 2 Cups. • A liter bottle contains 33.8 ounces, or 4.225 Cups.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. How much water do we need to make tomato soup?A. Ten cupsB. Nine cupsC. Eight cupsD. Seven cups​


C.Eight cups

Semoga membantu.

Sukses selalu.


How much water do we need to make tomato soup?

A. Ten cups

B. Nine cups

C. Eight cups

D. Seven cups

2. how many cups of water do you need to cook 2 cups of rice?​


What is the Ratio of Water to Rice? The basic water to white rice ratio is 2 cups water to 1 cup rice. You can easily, double and even triple the recipe; just make sure you are using a pot large enough to hold the rice as it cooks and expands.


The basic water to white rice ratio is 2 cups water to 1 cup rice. You can easily, double and even triple the recipe; just make sure you are using a pot large enough to hold the rice as it cooks and expands.

3. The text is for question number 7 to 9 Chocolate Yogurt Pops Ingredients: 8 ounces plain nonfat yogurt 1 cup sugar-free cocoa mix 4 6-once paper cups Preparation: Combine yogurt and cocoa in a bowl and mix well. Spoon into paper cups and he cups in a muffin tin. Insert a wooden Popsicle stick in the middle of each cup. Free until solid. To serve, peel away the paper cup and eat at once. How many paper cups do we need to make the dish? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six​


how many paper cups do we need to make the dish?

D. Six

semoga membantu ♡

4. B. Read the text to answer the question. Fruit Punchingredients:• 1 package (3 ounces) cherry flavor gelatin • 3 cups boiling water• 5 cups cold water• 3 cups pineapple juice• 2 cups orange juice• 4 cups ice cubesPreparationCombine gelatin with boiling water, stir until dissolved.Add cold water, pineapple juice and orange juice. Just before serving, add ice cubes and stir until malted.1. What ingredients do you need to make fruit punch?2. How much water do you need?3. What kind of juice do you we need to make fruit punch?4. When do you add ice cubes?5. Do you need to boil the juice before it is served?

1) apa saja bahan" yang kamu butuhkan untuk membuat fruit punch?
Jawabannya yg gambar di atas, semua yg termasuk ingredients (bahan-bahan)

2) 3 cups boiling water, 5 cups cold water

3) 2 kinds, that is pineapple juice and orange juice

5. why does the writer ask the readers to greases the muffin cups?apa artinya​


mengapa penulis meminta pembaca untuk melumasi cangkir muffin?


Maaf kalau salah

Jadikan yang terbaik ya

Jawaban:Mengapa penulis meminta pembaca untuk melumasi cangkir muffin?


6. 3. How much raisins is needed to cookcurried riceO A 2 cupsO B. 1/2 cupO C3 cups0 0 4 cups​

b. 1/2 cup
it serves 4 people

hope it’ll help you!

7. how many ounces of pure silver must be added to 36 oz kf 60% pure silver to make an alloy that is 76% pure silver?

36 ounce → 60% pure
x              → 76% pure

x = 36 x 76 / 60 = 45,6 ounce

You need to add 45,6 - 36 = 9,6 ounce of pure silver.

8. Mira wishes to bake 20 cupcakes to treat her friends shes needs 2 1/2 cups of flour if each the first 12 cakes and 4 2/3 cups of flour for the remaining 8 cakes .how many cups of flour does she need


9. First,the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically .next,the cups are sealed. After that,the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on pallets. Next, the pallet are wrapped and taken to dispatch. The main idea of the text is..

The process of producing a cup of yoghurtSteps to package yoghurt in the factory
(langkah2 mengemas yoghurt di pabrik)
Smoga membantu :)

10. 30ton=...ouncesbeserta caranya ​


30 ton = 30 x 1000 = 30.000 kg

30.000 kg = 30.000 x 10 = 300.000 ons


1 ton = 1.000 kg

1 kg = 10 ons

maka 1 ton = 1.000 x 10 = 10.000

jadi 30 ton = 30 x 10.000 = 300.000 ons

11. apa arti dari how many cups of water do you need to cookcups ​

Artinya: Berapa cangkir air yang Anda butuhkan untuk memasak?

Semoga membantu ^_^


Berapa cangkir air yang anda butuhkan untuk memasak

Maaf ya kalau salah dan semoga membantu

12. First,the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically .Next,the cups are sealed. After that,the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on pallets. Next, the pallet are wrapped and taken to dispatch. where are the cups packed after sealing?


in the box, where it is placed on pallets.


13. 2리StorsFaur materialsTo swoolon1 cm cubes15. Illa cups​



Ri / Li


satu centimeter kubik

lima belas kap

14. Problem: The owner of Chips etc. produces 2 kinds of chips: Lime (L) and Vinegar (V). He has a limited amount of the 3 ingredients used to produce these chips available for his next production run: 4800 ounces of salt, 9600 ounces of flour, and 2000 ounces of herbs. A bag of Lime chips requires 2 ounces of salt, 6 ounces of flour, and 1 ounce of herbs to produce; while a bag of Vinegar chips requires 3 ounces of salt, 8 ounces of flour, and 2 ounces of herbs. Profits for a bag of Lime chips are $0.40, and for a bag of Vinegar chips $0.50. For the production combination of 800 bags of Lime and 600 bags of Vinegar, which resource is not completely used up and how much is remaining?




Bank mandiri

catherina debora rorimpandey

15. paulina has drunk five cups of coffee today pls change from active to passive


five cups of coffee have been drunk by paulina today


passive structure:Tobe+v3


Five cups of coffe was been drunk by Paulina today

Maaf kalau salah

16. Norah uses an ounce of butter to make 9 cookies. how many cookies can she bake with 8 ounces of butter?


72 cookies

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Butter. cookies

1 ounce. 9 cookies

8 ounces. x cookies

1/8 = 9/x

x = (8 x 9)/1

x = 72

17. First,the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically .next,the cups are sealed. After that,the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on pallets. Next, the pallet are wrapped and taken to dispatch. HOW IS THE PROCESS OF THE PRODUCTION DONE?

So :
1) Bring the empty yoghurt cups to the filling line by an automatic conveyor
2)Seal the cups
3) Pack the cups in boxes by hand
4) Place the box on pallets
5) Wrap the pallet and take to dispatch

Sorry if there is a mistake

18. to make a pitcher of lemonade he use 3 cups of sugar for every 5 cups of lemon juicehow many cup of sugar did shiva use if the pitcher contains 32 cups of lemonade​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

gunakan perbandingan

3 : 5 = x : 32

→ x = 3×32/5

x = 19,2 cups

19. First,the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically .next,the cups are sealed. After that,the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on pallets. Next, the pallet are wrapped and taken to dispatch. The main idea of the text is..

How to make yoghurt with pallets.

20. Questions no. 1 - 3 refer to the following instructions. First, the empty yoghurt cups are brought to the filling line by automatic conveyor. Then, the cups are filled automatically. Next, the cups are sealed. After that, the sealed cups are packed in boxes , by hand. The boxes are the placed on pallets. Next, the pallets are wrapped and taken to dispatch. 1. The main idea of the text is


First,the empety Youghurt Cups are brought to the filling line by automaticallyp /Youghurt Cups


Ide utama terletak di awal Paragraf

91 Ounces To Cups. There are any 91 Ounces To Cups in here.

Of Mice And Men One Pager

Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck in 1937. It tells the story of two migrant ranch workers, George Milton and Lennie Small, who seek to achieve their dream of owning a small farm during the Great Depression. The story follows the two men as they travel from town to town, looking for work and struggling to stay out of trouble. The theme of the novella is friendship, loyalty, and the struggle to achieve the American Dream. George and Lennie's friendship is a central part of the story and is an example of how two people can rely on each other and still remain true to themselves. Lennie's naivety and child-like innocence provides a contrast to George's more mature and responsible nature. Despite their differences, the two men remain committed to each other and their dream of owning a farm. The novella also deals with the difficulties of living during the Great Depression. George and Lennie are forced to move from town to town in order to find work, and their dreams of owning a farm remain just out of reach. The other characters in the story are also struggling to make ends meet and have their own dreams that often go unfulfilled. Despite its dark themes, Of Mice and Men is ultimately a story of hope and resilience. George and Lennie's friendship is an example of the power of loyalty and friendship, and it shows that even in the darkest of times, it is possible to find joy and solace. In conclusion, Of Mice and Men is a novella about friendship, loyalty, and the pursuit of the American Dream during the Great Depression. It is a story of hope and resilience in the face of adversity, and it is a timeless classic that will remain relevant for generations to come.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. which one is a folktale?A.Love storyB.Story of mice and manC.Past experienceD.The story of golden cucumber​


D,the story of golden cucumber

2. terjemahan mice were afraid of him however,he became and old cat and could not get any mice anymore​


tikus takut padanya namun, ia menjadi kucing tua dan tidak bisa mendapatkan tikus lagi


mice were afraid of him however,he became and old cat and could not get any mice anymore

tikus takut padanya, dia menjadi kucing tua dan tidak bisa mendapatkan tikus lagi.


Maaf kalo salah:)

3. analisis novel of mice and man karya john steinbeck

Judul: Of Mice and Men: Sebuah Impian Lennie
Penulis: John Steinbeck
Judul Asli: Of Mice and Men
Penerjemah: Isma B. Koesalamwardi

4. One of the men wants to see our manager this afternoon di ubah ke interrogative

was one of the men wants too see our manager this afternoon?

5. I the best men in the world and you the bigges one​

Wow! Really? Is That True?

6. Find the eight letter of “ tomorrow” and which are the words starting with the letter? Select one: A. Red, rest and read. B. Offer, ocean and open. C. Wise, wrong and word. D. Make, meet and mice.

Jawaban: C. Wise, wrong and word.

Maaf klo salah

C. Wise, wrong and word


7. materi tentang mice and place​


mice and place adalah kegiatan mengumpulkan

dan menempatkan segala sesuatu yg di butuh kan baik berupa bahan maupun peralatan sebelum di mulainya pekerjaan

mice and place sendiri merupakan sebuah frashe

dalam bahasa Perancis yg berati menempatkan di tempat

Maaf kalo salah

8. terjemahan every mouse was afraid of a young and strong cat because he always caught a lot of mice​

Jawaban : setiap tikus takut pada kucing yang muda dan kuat karena dia selalu menangkap banyak tikus


Hai kk@dea4895Semoga Jawaban saya dapat membantu


terjemahan every mouse was afraid of a young and strong cat because he always caught a lot of mice​


setiap tikus takut pada kucing yang masih muda dan masih kuat karena dia( kucing)  selalu menangkap banyak tikus



Semangat Belajar∧ω∧

                  ∫HAVE A NICE DAY∫

9. mana yg termasuk singular dan plural di antara mouse, teeth, geese, goose, mice, tooth, children, child, men, man?

- Mouse
- Tooth
- Child
- Man

- Mice
- Geese
- Teeth
- Children
- Men


Aku ngak Ikutin jawaban di atas

10. Arti Rhere are crockroaches and mice​


Ada kecoak dan tikus


semoga membantu:)


There are cockroaches and mice

-->Terdapat kecoak dan tikus

(maaf kalau salah)

11. What is the mean of MICE


mice adalah tikus

mouse juga tikus

perbedaanya mice (noun) untuk tikus peliharaan

mouse untuk tikus di gorong²

12. he was afraid of the king of mice​


dia takut dengan raja tikus


diartiin kan maksudnya?


13. One of the men wants to see our manager this afternoon

salah satu dari pria tersebut ingin menemui menejer kita sore ini
kl didiminta translate, ga ad permintaanny soalny

14. the meaning of judge not of men and things as the first sight

Jangan pernah menuduh seseorang apabila tidak tahu pasti apa yang sebenarnya terjadi

15. there are five (man,men) and one (women,women)​


There are five men and a women

16. choose the corect form of the noun in each sentence.a.l have three (child,children).b.there are five (man , men) and one (woman , women).​


a. children

b. men, woman


children adalah bentuk plural dari child. men adalah bentuk plural dari man. women adalah bentuk plural dari woman.

Semoga membantu, maaf jika salah.

17. the mice....big and dirty

Isi titik2 di atas : are
Semoga membantuuuu

18. terjemahkanlah ke dalam b.indonesiato entertain reader about the story of the woodcutter and the King of mice​

Untuk menghibur pembaca tentang cerita penebang kayu dan raja tikus.


untuk menghibur pembaca tentang cerita tentang kayu dan raja tikus.

19. There are five(man,men)and one(woman,women)​


ada lima pria dan satu wanita


itu artinya


Maap klo slh

20. a. men – is – of – engineering – the – achievements – of– one – primitive – wheel disusun menjadi kalimat yang benar


3. Are there still many students who do not carry out their obligations at school?

Why is that?

4. Do students who do not fulfill their obligations continue to ask for their rights? Explain!

Of Mice And Men One Pager. There are any Of Mice And Men One Pager in here.

927 Avenue St John

Knowledge Introduction for 927 Avenue St. John


927 Avenue St. John is located in the city of St. John, Canada, on the corner of 9th Street and Avenue St. John.


The building at 927 Avenue St. John was built in the 1950s and has been a part of the St. John community ever since. It has been home to many different businesses and organizations over the years.


927 Avenue St. John is located in an area with plenty of amenities, including shops, restaurants, banks, and a public library. There is also easy access to public transportation.


927 Avenue St. John is home to a variety of businesses, including a cafe, a grocery store, a pharmacy, a dry cleaner, and a beauty salon.


The area around 927 Avenue St. John is populated with a mix of families, young professionals, and retirees.


Throughout the year, the area around 927 Avenue St. John hosts a variety of events, including block parties, art shows, and holiday festivals.


The area around 927 Avenue St. John is served by a few public schools, as well as several private schools.


927 Avenue St. John is a vibrant part of the St. John community, with plenty of amenities, businesses, and events. It is a great place to live, work, or visit.

Questions and Answers:

1. GPS map60 road60° roadBankPost OfficeChild outboundCentralAvenueCentral AvenueCentral AvenueUniversityTempleGoldenvos esMallSt. James MansionsSouth LakeHarvardHotelFactoryFieldBeachThe hotel is on ... Street.a Central Avenueb. Saigonc. St. James Mansionsd. Golden​


c. st. james mansions


maap klo salah

2. Nama sebuah katedral yang di ubah menjadi Masjid pada masa Dinasti Umayah adalah …. *2 poina. St Johnb. St Paulusc. Qusayrd. Musafta​


Masjid Cordoba


Maaf kalau salah

3. tolong jawab 2863×962+927-826÷927=​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4. 1. Pead carefully and analyzeInvitation Iwamor avenueValo SantosmichiganOctober 10Pine Street StLos angelesDear Mr. santos​


Dear Mr.Santos,

we cordially invite you to a dinner celebrating the 2nd anniversary of Kencana Group. It will take place at Bronto Hotel on Thursday, 20th November. The dress code is formal.

The procession will start with a traditional Balinese dance at 7 p.m,while a program of events will be delivered to you upon arrival. Dinner will be served in Tiara Hall at 8 p.m where Mr.and Mrs.Ketut will welcome each of you personally.

please find the RSVP form and return to the address stated above by 10th of November. We can not accept any replies we receive after that date. On behalf of Mr.and Mrs.Putu, we look forward to your attendance.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Mays

Assistant to Mr.and Mrs. Putu


formal invitation

5. hasil dari 927 di bagi 26​




35 17/26

tiga puluh lima tujuh belas per dua puluh enam

6. hasil dari 927 + 42 × (-10) adalah​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:






Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

927 + (42 × (-10)) = 927 + (-420) = 507


7. hasil dari 55×927:22​


55 × 927 :22


jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya sobat


Semoga membantu

8. 230×927=........+3567=​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



maaf kalok salah

semoga membantu dan bermanfaat^_^


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9. tuliskan pembacaan dari bilangan 927 ?

Sembilan ratus dua puluh tujuh

Semoga Membantusembilan ratus dua puluh tujuh

10. hasil dari (927-(138))÷15​



927 - 138 = 789

789 : 15 = 52,6


Moga membantu

11. Bapak teori kedaulatan rakyat merupakan julukanbagi tokoh ....Jean Bodinb. John Lockec. St. Agustinusd. J.J. Rousseau​


b.john locke


semoga sukses

12. Quiz... 927² + 23¹ =​




Total: 859.329+23=859.352

Semoga membantu
Jangan hapus tugasku


927² + 23¹ = 859.352

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Soal :

927² + 23¹ =

Jawaban :

927² + 23¹

= ( 927 × 927 ) + 23

= 859.329 + 23

= 859.352

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

Cara menghitung pangkat 2 : pangkat 2 : yang dimaksud dengan bilangan pangkat 2 :

Detail Jawaban :Mapel : MatematikaKelas : 05Materi : Kuadrat dan akar pangkat duakata kunci : Bilangan berpangkat 2Kode Soal : 2Kode Kategorisasi : 5.2.7

13. 123456789-927=......



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

12345(6-1=5+1=6)(7+1=17)89. Sisa=






7-9=pinjam 1 jadi 17-9=15

Good luck



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


           927 _


14. Hasil dari 872 - 63 + ( -9 ( -927 : ( -9 ))) = …Hasil dari 872 - 63 + ( -9 ( -927 : ( -9 ))) = …​





872-63-927= -118.

Jadikan jawaban yang terbaik!

15. 927:9 dengan porogapit

Jawabannya adalah 13.

Semoga membantu

16. Quiz872³ =927² + 78 =​












penjelasan: semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua

17. 735 +(-927) berapa hasil nya

735 + (-927) = 735 - 927 = (-190)
Selamat belajar^^735 + (-927) adalah
735 - 927 = 192

18. arti dari avenue apa?

Artinya sama dengan street yaitu jalanartinya jalan mungkin.

19. 927÷3 : dengan cara​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

927 : 3 = 309

cara terlampir


927 ÷ 3 = 309

Cara kebawah terlampir-!!

20. 8. Girl : Excuse me, is women's wear on ...? Boy : Yes, it is. a. Main street b. First avenue c. Second Avenue d. Hill avenue​


Penjelasan: cocoklogi soalnya kurang

927 Avenue St John. There are any 927 Avenue St John in here.

Utterances Of Agreement Crossword

Utterances of Agreement are phrases or words used to indicate that one agrees with something. These types of phrases are often used in conversations to show agreement with an idea, opinion, or statement. Examples of Utterances of Agreement include: •"I agree" •"That sounds like a good idea" •"I'm on board with that" •"Yes" •"That would work" •"I'm in" •"I'm with you" •"Absolutely"

Questions and Answers:

1. - Make 5 utterances of recommendation - Make 5 utterances of offering something - Make 5 utterances of opinion - Make 5 utterances of wish and hope Need fast please :')

offering : would u like a cup of coffee? , would u like have a dinner with me? , would u like to come my party? , would u like some water? , would u like a cake?
opinion : i think its very bad , in my opinion she must study hard , i feel its a good idea, i think the poster is good, in my opinion the wether of indramayu is hot
wish and hope : i want to make a proud my parent , i wish to be good doctor, i hope sometime would be better, iwould i can do the best,  i would i can catch my dream

2. write 4 utterances of giving opinion!​


1.) Medium. I think… Well, if you ask me… I'd like to point out that… As I see it… In my opinion… ...

2.) Strong. Absolutely. Exactly. I totally agree with you. I have exactly the same opinion as you. ...

3.)Strong. I totally disagree. I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. With respect, I have to say I don't agree. I disagree entirely.

3. what's the answer of this Crossword puzzle?​

lebih detailnya buat bukti klo itu nyambung ada di gambar yaa, maaf klo gambarnya kurang memuaskan karena saya lagi ga mood;(.

biar lebih jelas bisa lihat disini ⬇️









perasaan sedih bahwa tidak ada yang berharga itu kecewa(emptiness)sesuatu yang memaksa seseorang untuk memukul ke arah yang khusus yaitu menembak (shot)bagian dalam artinya ya inside.sesuatu yang menjadi kebenaran yaitu kebenaran (truth)untuk dapat hidup dengan eksis yaitu bertahan (survive)



yang dilakukan untuk bisa merobek sesuatu yaitu merobek (tear)persamaan kata vanish adalah disappear yang artinya musnahmenjadi cair akibat kepanasan yaitu meleleh (melt)persamaan kata unhappiness yaitu sorrow yang artinya sedih, suram, dll.sesuatu yang membuat kita kuat adalah tenaga/energi (strength)

kmu bisa isi sendiri di dalam kotaknya klo semuanya nyambung berarti bener.

down➡️menuruncross ➡️mendatar(ke samping)


4. berikan contoh expression of agreement​


1. Yes, I agree with you


Expressing agreement :

I agree.

That's right

I think so

That's sound good

That's true

I like it

I'll go along with that

I am of the same opinion

I like your idea

It certainly is...

5. write 2 ekpressions of agreement!​


write 2 ekpressions of agreement!

(tulis 2 pernyataan setuju!)



1.I agree with your opinion

2.I totally agree with your plan, great idea!

semoga membantu,maaf kalo salah

6. write five sentences of agreement

1. Cynthia acknowledged her reluctant agreement with a deep sigh and no further conversation as Dean extinguished the light.
2. But he just murmured an agreement as they returned to their room.
3. At first she nodded agreement, and then a cold feeling clutched at her heart.
4. I also told her that I wasn't in agreement with your terms.
5. He needed her agreement to try, even if they weren't ready yet.

Kayak gitu bukan maksudnya? Maaf ya kalo salah

7. mention the expressions of agreement !

yes, i agree with you
yes, why not??
yes, that's true
you're absolutely rightDeni: "Ahmad, do you want to go watch a movie tomorrow?"
Ahmad: "Sure! why not?"

Rika: "Nina, do you want to finish today's class cleaning for me? Please, I'm begging you!"
Nina: "Okay, but make sure you buy me something after school!"

Mr. Romanov: "Rika. please close the window, this class is getting cold"
Rika: "Alright, Mister"

8. mentioned three kinds of agreement​


mentioned three Linda of agreement :

1. i agree with you.


3.thats exectly how i feel.

4.i could'nt agree with you more.

5.thats not always the case.


9. 17. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?A. The results of the agreement.B. The effects of the agreement.C. The reasons of the agreement.D. The main content of the agreement.E. The place and time of the agreementsigned.​


Menurut saya, jawabannya adalah C atau D


Saya nebak nebak karena tidak ada teks nya

Semoga membantu, Maaf kalau salah


Jadikan jawaban tercerdas:)

10. make 2 expression of agreement

1.Im agree with you
2. Wow its nice idea, im sure with youagreeing expression
absolutely,i agree,i partly agree
disagreeing expression
i dont agree,i totally disagree,absolutely not

11. berikan contoh exspression of agreement​


I agree with you 100%

I second your emotion

I believe you are correct

12. Write on exprssion of showing agreement​



Yes, i agree on what you said. That Will be a successfull plan

13. 1.what is the meaning of agreement and disagreement ?2.write some expressions of agreement and disagreement !3. Make a dialogue of agreement or disagreement !​


1 Agreement is when someone agree about you

Disagreement is when someone not agree to you

2. Agreement: I agree with you

Disagreement: I think you are wrong from my point of view the right answer is B

3 A: Hey can i ask you something

B: Sure what is it

A: I think the world have gravitasion do you think so

B: Yes i agree with you

A: How about the world is round because i think the world is flat

B: I disagree with you in my point of view the world is rounf


Smoga membantu

Maaf klo salah

14. apa yang dimaksud dengan expression of agreement dan expression of disagreement?​


Expression of Agreement/ungkapan persetujuan adalah ungkapan yang kita pakai ketika kita sependapat dengan orang lain dalam suatu hal. Misalnya teman sobat mengatakan

"I think this school needs to hold a joint istighosah every week" (“menurut saya sekolah ini perlu mengadakan acara istighosah bersama setiap minggu”). Trus kamu setuju dan mengatakan "I agree with your opinion" (“Saya setuju dengan pendapatmu")

Sedangkan Expression of Disagreement atau ungkapan ketidaksetujuan adalah ungkapan ketika kita merasa tidak sependapat dengan orang lain. Misalnya,"For this matter I do not agree with you . I agree more if istighosah is held every month".(“Untuk masalah ini saya kurang setuju dengan anda. saya lebih setuju jika istighosah diadakan setiap bulan saja”. Itulah contoh expression of disagreement.

15. Intermediate Crossword Puzzle- Months Of The Year





4.maaf gk tau


6.maaf gak tau


8.maaf gak tau




16. make a short dialog each of you should make at least 5 utterances and respond to 5 utterances

buatlah dialog. pendek masing-masing. 5

17. design of Crossword Puzzle reasoning mathematical term and words​


maaf ini soal tentang apa ya

18. apa yang dimaksud letter of agreement

surat persetujuan .....letter of agreement adalah surat persetujuan yg ditunjukan kepada orang lain#maaf klo salah

19. mention 5 expressions of agreement​

Mention 5 expressions of agreement,

That's so true.That's for sure.Tell me about it!You're absolutely right.Absolutely.That's exactly how I feel.I agree with you 100 percent.I couldn't agree with you more.

_And sorry if the answer is not quite right':)





Of course

Why not?

20. here is example of agreement​


C. I Agree with your choice Riko


Aku setuju dengan pilihanmu, Riko

Utterances Of Agreement Crossword. There are any Utterances Of Agreement Crossword in here.